It is no coincidence that since we decided to feature this topic, the lessons on the need for strengthening my personal boarders have shown up in my life in a major way. This is the way life works. If you have in the past or are currently struggling with boundaries, this article is for you. We often hear about boundaries and their importance, yet what is not realized is that it is more than just a physical transaction, it is also energetic. If we are struggling with holding our space in the world, we can also take on energy and emotions of those surrounding us.
In an attempt to please others, we ignore our instincts, sacrificing our own needs and let’s face it, worth. Maybe it is something you are only vaguely aware of, or it is screaming at you to hem your personal perimeter, demanding your time back and your space. You may also notice that after a talking with certain people in your life you can either become energized or drained. You may also experience taking on the moods of those around you, and have a hard time letting go even once the conversation is over.
If this article is speaking to you, I want to express that having an internal dialogue daily is crucial. Without this it is a struggle to actually know what feels ok to us until after we have already committed, physically or energetically. We may be engaged with whom or what is not serving us, not feeling good to our being. It can feel like we are living life for everyone but ourselves. Knowing in advance who we are, what our needs are and where we need protection to feel like we are investing in our best selves is fundamental for each of us. It is the first step in building a strong relationship with yourself. Each time it is practiced, the muscle strengthens because it feels good; another step forward into your own light. It can be as simple as setting an intention or journaling before committing blindly and regretting it after the fact.
Whenever something feels bad in your gut, that’s a boundary line, and your heart calling you home. It really does not take much to state the limit either. Dyani’s article on has some beautiful tips on saying “NO” kindly. Getting to a place where you do not feel the need to apologize or take on others feelings around your limits will take practice, but the more you enforce this, the less the scenarios will show up. If you are struggling to enforce these, please note that when others are upset by your need to protect your time and energy, it’s a good indication that they have a self-serving motivation, and do not care about your needs. *(Remember the fairy tale Cinderella? After continuously sacrificing herself for others she was no more appreciated, respected or loved by the people surrounding her.) * The people who really care about you will understand.
Metaphysically speaking, those who have trouble stating boundaries on the physical planes tend to have poor energetic boundaries as well, picking up on everyone’s emotions, which affects their mind, body, heart and ultimately, health and wellbeing. It is extremely draining for the individual to carry someone else’s mood. Your child, husband, friend, co-worker, hey…even your pet. Every time we practice physically saying no to the people, events and media (this is an energetic exchange, so unfollow accordingly) that is draining us, we gain strength and energetically put the message out to the universe that we will not be pushed over. We refuse anything less than our needs and the choices we make for our highest good. The most incredibly beautiful thing is that the scenarios also stop showing up in your life. Life lesson learned. Check.
I will leave you with a few morning practices to consider and maybe do over that morning cuppa. The first is an energetic attunement, I was given by Chris Maddox, founder of the Wild Women Project during a recent class. My hope is that it will help you to strengthen the internal dialogue getting clear on your needs.
Breathing deeply for a few moments:
Sense the self. Breath. Hold your space. Space of the body, mind and energy field consciously over the coffee. Noticing, here I am without the influence of others. Just me. Breathe deeply. Hold it.
“We all have an inner space that can be cultivated or knocked out and evaded by doing other’s intentions.”-Chris Maddox
The second is a Kundalini Yoga move that was shared by a dear friend and Kundalini Yoga instructor. This exercise is done while doing short breaths through the nose. This exercise strengthens the Aura which provides energetic protection.
Kokoroco for life. Much love.