
Welcome to our Bio Page!

Here are our bios, presented in alphabetical order by first name:

Dyani Simon  BSW, M.Ed.

I’ve been studying and working in the field of social work for nearly 15 years and completed a Bachelor of Social Work degree with the University of Northern British Columbia. 

My background includes employment counselling, assisting with parenting strategies, working in public school and home schooling settings with children who have exceptionalities, facilitating groups for survivors of violence and abuse, curriculum development in a variety of topics, and working with people who face challenges with addictions and/or mental health. I have had the good fortune to work in remote communities with many indigenous people who taught me that resilience comes from  stewardship of community and environment, story-telling, and  a lot  of laughter.

In 2014, I completed a Masters of Education (Adult Learning and Global Change) degree from the University of British Columbia and moved to the Okanagan with my family.  Since then, I have worked in private and public education including teaching a variety of college course and assisting adult students with their english, writing, and study skills.

I believe in working from a strengths-based perspective and finding creative, practical ways to assist people to reach their own goals.  I am always working towards new goals of my own, sometimes stumbling, always getting back up, and learning to live in the moment. I am excited by science, brains (not unlike zombies—haha, I also love sci-fi and dark humour—but all humour aside the brain is endlessly fascinating), the natural world, and the accomplishments of others as they realize their own potential.

I also love taking pictures. The entire process of taking them, editing them, and sharing them is like a blissful state of meditation for me. Do you see a photo on our site that you like? Chances are, I took it!


Jenny Swanson

Entrepreneur. Domestic Engineer. CEO of my family. Da Mama. Day dreamer extraordinaire. Wild Women Project Circle Leader. Flower smeller. Energy Healer. Disability advocate. Intuitive. Yogi. Wellness junkie.

If you are here, and continuing to read on, you are my tribe and I want you to know just how truly loved you are.

I share here as I continue my focus the healthful life; leading by love with a passion for gratitude, meditation and mindfulness, spreading even more of that sweet love, cultivating strong relationship connections, aspiring to be more while living simply here in the Sub-Arctic; focusing on my life mission: consciousness and soul expansion.

If you need a chance to reignite your imagination, follow along. Lay in the grass with me, cloud gazing. I hope to offer you fresh air.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you here, along the way through this wild, wild adventure we call Life.

Nadine Duperron

I am a certified clinical hypnotherapist, a health care worker, and I have just begun the journey towards becoming a life coach. I’ve always felt a very strong pull toward helping people, which has led me to all of these different vocations.

The idea of becoming a life coach was presented to me during a conversation with one of my most treasured friends. I was struggling with finding a new vocation outside of health care, and this was one of her suggestions. Upon researching what life coaching actually was, and looking back on my own life and realizing how differently I could have navigated through the situations that I had both created, and been presented with, with the guidance of a life coach, I decided that this was the career choice for me. My vision is to empower others, encourage them to find their footing, use the strengths they already have, bring out the strengths they have tucked away in their subconscious, navigate through their challenges, and reach their goals. I am a firm believer that everyone holds their own solutions. My role would be to help people uncover them and bring them to fruition.

During this process, I expect to face my own challenges, discover things about myself that I also have hidden, learn new strengths, build my confidence with newly learned skills, and perhaps put to rest some of the negative aspects in my own subconscious mind that have stunted my personal growth in the past. I grew up with some very negative core beliefs, and I know what it is to feel worthless, powerless, voiceless. I know there are so many others who have experienced the same, and the opportunity to reach out to them and let them know that there is such a bright and beautiful future available to them if they are just willing to put forth the effort would be an incredible honour.

I am also passionate about crafting my own bath and beauty products. This has been a creative outlet for me for the past 10 years. For two years, my youngest daughter has been crafting with me, and she blows me away with her own creative streak!

I also enjoy reading oracle cards. I understand they are not for everyone, but when I’m feeling lost, I’ll just pull one for myself, and more often than not I get the guidance I was searching for. I also provide readings to friends, and this is a service I hope to offer to others in the future as well.

I have experienced so many incredibly positive changes in the past couple of months alone, and I’m so excited to see what is coming next!