Boundaries – Push the Limits

Let me begin by saying, I freaking LOVE the recent shift I’ve seen over the past few years, with how much more comfortable we, as women, are becoming with deciding what our boundaries are, in each facet of our lives, and putting them in place.  How clear we are in deciding what we are and are not willing to accept in our lives. How much more natural it’s becoming for us to enforce these personal limits, when it becomes necessary. How respecting and honouring ourselves is becoming higher on our priority lists, and fear-based people-pleasing is slowly, but surely, fading into the background.

Setting clear and healthy boundaries is all about taking control of your life, empowering yourself, deciding what limits you place on how other people treat you, or behave towards you.

What I’d like to talk about today is this… How comfortable are you with pushing your OWN boundaries?

I’m referring to stepping outside of your comfort zone.  Doing things that you wouldn’t normally do, but would possibly benefit from.  Giving yourself the opportunity to experience something new, learn, make mistakes, grow.  Facing your fears and breaking out of the mundane.

Take a moment and think of something you’ve considered doing, have felt a gravitation toward, but haven’t taken the leap.  Think as big or as small as you like. Perhaps it’s initiating a potentially uncomfortable conversation. Starting a new hobby that you’re not sure you’d be any good at.  Taking a class you want to try. Walking away from a relationship that doesn’t serve you (romantic or platonic). Starting a new job. Something the THOUGHT of doing that either gets you jazzed, or gives you anxiety because you haven’t done it, and your inner guide is telling you that you really should . What has held you back?  Fear of the unknown, or failure, or what others would think, or possible risks that scare you? What speaks to you in this moment?

Now, take a breath…

With this one thing in mind, ask yourself…. If I were to rip that band-aid off, and take that risk, would it help me take control of my life in some way?  Empower me? Give me a sense of accomplishment? Does the potential to gain something for myself outweigh the pay-off of remaining stuck?

There’s little risk involved in staying within your comfort zone, but minimal chances of the personal pay-off you may gain from taking a chance.  To me, comfort zones equal boredom, routine, stagnation. Comfort zones are safe, but they rob you of your chance to become your most vibrant self.   

In order to clear a block for yourself, you have to be willing to be uncomfortable, breathe through some anxiety, and take a step into the unknown.  You have to be open to the possibility that you may not get the outcome you hope for, or the outcome may exceed your wildest dreams, and either way, you are strong enough to handle it.  Either way, you are gifting yourself the potential to grow, and you should be so proud of yourself.  

Are you ready to push your limits?  Know that I am cheering you on, every step of the way!




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