Looking Under a Rock for Spare Time (hint: It’s not there) – by Nadine

We live in a highly competitive, insanely busy world. We are constantly on the move, both physically and mentally. We have our jobs and/or volunteer work, often in high-stress environments. Most of us have either children, pets, or both. We have to keep our homes in liveable repair, and in many cases, we’ve got a yard to look after as well. We try to fit in some recreation and social engagements for the well-being of our bodies and minds, which of course, takes even more time.

Kids aren’t safe from this phenomenon, either. School, extracurriculars, sports, hobbies, studying and homework, and when they come of age, jobs, sometimes more than one.

When we can’t find the spare time to decompress, guess what there is left to look forward to? Complete and total burnout. Our minds and bodies will find a way to make us decompress, whether we like it or not, and it often comes in the form of completely shutting down mentally, and often physically, in the form of illness.

What exactly happens to us when we burn out? According to verywell mind, we completely lose our motivation. This means we STILL have all the things we have to find the time to do, we just don’t WANT to.

And the real kick in the face? In order to avoid burnout, we have to find the time to decompress! I’m throwing my hands up in the air right with you…. It’s not an easy task! But it can be done with some planning, time management, and commitment.

What has worked for me is some hard-core prioritizing. Whatever you’ve got to get done in a day, write it all down the night before. From the minute your feet hit the floor in the morning, till the time your head hits the pillow. Acknowledge as many steps as you can think of. Account for your meals, your shower (or bath, if you are so inclined), your Facebooking, EVERYTHING. If you have voice to text on your phone, use that! It’s even quicker.

Now…. Start eliminating.

You heard me.

Whatever doesn’t NEED to be done… cross that out. Do you HAVE to drive your kids to school, or can you find someone who will take turns car-pooling with you? Do you HAVE to keep that coffee date, or can you settle for a quick phone call at home instead? These are just examples… if your task is something you truly enjoy, then it should stay…. If you’re ok with saying NO THANK YOU to it, cross it right off.

Those now-blank spots on your list, now belong to you. Not the rat race.

What is something you’ve been wanting to do, something that would recharge you and bring you some joy, but haven’t found the spare time? Sitting down with a good book perhaps? Going for a hike? Having a badly needed nap? Guess what? Now you do! You can tweak the process to fit your own life, just keep the principle of eliminating what doesn’t absolutely have to be done in place and you will be so very good to go!

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